

 Wednesday - Saturday, 10am - 4pm 


Lunch Menu

Served 12 - 3pm

Our lunch menu is made freshly in house using the best, locally sourced food. Please tell us of food allergies/ intolerances. We serve items with nuts, gluten and dairy.

Soup of the day (see board) (gf,Vg)                                        £5.50


Boulanger sourdough bread with butter                                  £2.50


Boulanger sourdough with mature cheddar & chutney             £5.50


Frittata of the week (gf)

Served with side salad                                                            £9.95


Spicy roasted carrots, hummus and gremolata (vg)               £9.95  

Served with rye bread toast and side salad


Rocket pesto, slow roasted tomato and mozzarella               £11.50

Served with rye bread and side salad


Pork & leek sausage roll with homemade chutney                 £4.95

Vegan bean & vegetable pastry roll                                        £4.95

Served with homemade chutney (vg)


Side salad (gf,vg)                                                                    £4.75



Sweet Treats & Drinks

Served between 10am - 4pm

Sourdough toast with butter and jam                                   £2.50
Sesame cookie (vg) (gf)                                                      £2.25
Pastel de nata                                                                     £1.95
Brownie (gf)                                                                         £3.50
Ginger cake                                                                         £2.75
Cinnamon bun (vg)                                                              £3.50
Apricot and pistachio frangipane                                         £2.75
Croissant with butter & Jam                                                £2.85
Shepherds Ice cream:                                                         £3.50


Ask about today’s flavours


 Please tell our staff if you have any food intolerances or allergies



Pot of tea £2.30

English breakfast, Earl Grey, Darjeeling, Red bush, Green, Decaffeinated

Pot of Pukka Tea £2.75

Three mint, Lemongrass and ginger, Blackcurrant Beauty, Vanilla Chai,

Womankind, Feel New (detox), Chamomile, Vanilla & Manuka Honey



Espresso                                                         £2.50/£2.70

Americano                                                      £2.50/£2.70

Cortado                                                           £2.85

Flat White                                                       £3.05

Latte                                                                £3.20

Cappuccino                                                     £2.95/£3.20

Mocha                                                             £3.85

Chai Latte                                                        £3.60

Hot Chocolate                                                 £3.60

Milk - Hot or Cold                                           75p

All drinks can be made with whole milk or oat milk

Decaffeinated coffee is available



A selection of cold drinks, bottle                   £2.05

Apple (still)                                                    £2.50

Sparkling water 330ml Bottle                        £1.75

Lager 330ml Bottle                                        £3.00

Beer 500ml Bottle                                          £3.50

Passerina Organic White                                £3.75 125ml £4.75 175ml

Montepulciano d'Abruzzo DOC Organic Red        £3.75 125ml £4.75 175ml

Coffee and cake at Workhouse Gallery Cafe in Presteigne

 To book a table and how to find us >>